Life After College Athletics Podcast
On the field and in the office we all strive for greatness. The transition from camaraderie, hard work, pain, sweat, and performance to working, building, and finding new success in the professional world is not easy. We bring in new guests every week to talk about challenges, share stories, and discuss success in their life after college athletics. It’s not retirement it’s an advancement.
Podcasting since 2023 • 18 episodes
Life After College Athletics Podcast
Latest Episodes
Undercover Boss Reveals Why Athletes Are More Successful In Life - Jeff Dudan
“The quality of your decisions impact the quality of your life and the velocity of your business.” - Jeff DudanUndercover Boss, former CEO of AdvantaClean, author of the book Discernment, and Chairmen/CEO of HomeFront Brands… n...
Season 2
Episode 6

AI and Real Human Relationships - Hayley Brodeur on Tech, Sales, and Life After Track
Will AI replace humans? Is it impossible to make friends in a new city? How do you make huge career changes? How do you transfer your competitive nature to the work force?On this episode we sat down with Hayley Brodeur to answer all tho...
Season 2
Episode 5

Double-Edged Takeaways from Starting a Beverage Business - Founder of Tru, Jack McNamara
“The analogy here in business is… as a startup, if you raise $10k, a $100k, even $1M, you're a fourth liner… you're competing against Red Bull… C4… Bang Energy… Ghost… and all these guys have their dancing partners.”On this episode we s...
Season 2
Episode 4

Build A Life Bigger Than Your Potential - Strong Coffee Company’s Kaleb Fossum
“Am I supposed to be here?…” For awhile, you’re scratching and clawing, and you doubt if the work you’re doing will amount to anything. And then the opportunities, from seeds planted years ago, show up…Today on the podcast we sit down w...
Season 2
Episode 3

How To Influence Others And Attract Success - Swiss Olympian David Karasek
“I sat for hours sifting through one miserable memory after another, looking for someone to blame, trying to find some reason why I kept getting handed one CRUSHING personal defeat after the next.I asked myself ‘what did all those event...
Season 2
Episode 2